Research Methods in Developmental Psychological science

By and Helen of Troy Milojevich

University of Calfornia, Irvine

What do infants lie with about the world in which they experience – and how DO they grow and change with age? These are the kinds of questions answered by developmental scientists. This module describes diametrical search techniques that are accustomed canvas scientific discipline phenomena in infants and children, research designs that are used to examine related to changes in development, and unique challenges and special issues associated with conducting research with infants and children. Child ontogenesis is a fascinating field, and many intriguing questions remain to glucinium examined by early generations of developmental scientists – maybe you will be among them!

Learning Objectives

  • Discover different research methods used to survey baby and child development
  • Talk about incompatible research designs, as healed as their strengths and limitations
  • News report on the unique challenges joint with conducting developmental search


A chemical group of children were playing hide-and-seek in the railway yard. Pilar raced to her hiding spot as her six-year-old cousin, Lucas, loudly counted, "… six, seven, octonary, nine, ten! Set or not, here I come!". Pilar let out a small giggle as Lucas ran over to find her – in the accurate location where he had found his sister a short time before. At the start glimpse, this demeanor is uncomprehensible: why would Pilar hide in exactly the assonant location where individual other was just ground? Whereas older children and adults realize that it is verisimilar best to hide in locations that have not been searched antecedently, young children make out not consume the same cognitive sophistication. But why not… and when perform these abilities first develop?

A young girl smiles as she peeks out from a hiding place.
Children's games are more than just playfulness. They can be opportunities for researchers to discover about how children think, feel, and behave. [Image: gomattolson,, CC Away-NC-SA 2.0,]

Organic process psychologists investigate questions like these using research methods that are tailor-made to the finicky capabilities of the infants and children being studied. Importantly, research in developmental psychological science is more than simply examining how children behave during games of hide-and-try – the results obtained from developmental research sustain been used to inform top-quality practices in parenting, education, and insurance.

This module describes different inquiry techniques that are accustomed study psychological phenomena in infants and children, research designs that are used to examine related to changes in developmental processes and changes over time, and unique challenges and especial issues associated with conducting enquiry with infants and children.

Research Methods

Infants and children—peculiarly junior children—cannot be studied using the Lapplander research methods used in studies with adults. Researchers, therefore, have developed many creative slipway to collect information about infant and child development. Therein section, we highlight some of the methods that have been secondhand by researchers who study infants and older children, separating them into three distinct categories: involuntary Oregon obligatory responses, voluntary responses, and psychophysiological responses. We will also hash out other methods much as the use of surveys and questionnaires. At the end of this plane section, we give an object lesson of how interview techniques can comprise used to survey the beliefs and perceptions of aged children and adults – a method that cannot be used with infants or very young children.

Involuntary or obligatory responses

One of the first-string challenges in studying same boyish infants is that they give limited motor control– they cannot hold their heads up for short amounts of clip, so much less snap up an interesting plaything, play the pianoforte, or turn a door knob. As a result, infants cannot actively engross with the environment in the same way as older children and adults. For this reason, developmental scientists ingest designed enquiry methods that evaluate involuntary or incumbent on responses. These are behaviors in which people engage without much conscious thought operating theatre effort. For example, think roughly the last sentence you heard your cite at a party – you likely turned your head to see who was talking without even thinking about it. Infants and young children also attest involuntary responses to stimuli in the environment. When infants hear the voice of their bring fort, for instance, their heart rate increases – whereas if they get wind the voice of a stranger, their heart rate decreases (Kisilevsky et al., 2003). Researchers study reflex behaviors to better understand what infants know about the world more or less them.

An infant lies on its back with its eyes fixed on a nearby object.
Even when infants are so young that they have selfsame little motor control, researchers can observe and disk involuntary responses, such arsenic an infant's eye movements, to get valuable sixth sense into what they understand about the public around them. [Image: Greg Kintz,, CC Away-N-SA,]

Peerless research method that capitalizes on involuntary or obligatory responses is a procedure known as habituation. In habituation studies, infants are presented with a stimulus such as a photograph of a human face again and again until they get tired with IT. When infants get ahead bored, they look away from the picture. If infants are then shown a new picture--such as a photograph of a different face-- their interest returns and they consider the unused depiction. This is a phenomenon known as dishabituation. Habituation procedures work because infants generally look yearner at fresh stimuli relative to items that are familiar to them. This research technique takes advantage of involuntary or obligatory responses because infants are constantly looking or so and observing their environments; they do not have to be taught to pursue with the world in this way.

One classic habituation study was conducted by Baillargeon and colleagues (1985). These researchers were interested in the concept of object permanence, Beaver State the reason that objects exist level when they cannot be seen or detected. For example, you know your soup-strainer exists even though you are probably not able to see it right this second. To enquire object permanence in 5-month-old infants, the researchers used a violation of expectation epitome. The researchers first habituated infants to an uncomprehensible screen that moved book binding and forth like a drawbridge (using the same procedure you just learned about in the previous paragraph). Once the infants were bored with the moving screen, they were shown two diverse scenarios to test their understanding of forceful events. In both of these test scenarios, an opaque box was placed behind the moving screen. What differed 'tween these two scenarios, still, was whether they confirmed operating theatre desecrated the solidity principle – the idea that two solid objects cannot occupy the same space at the identical time. In the thinkable scenario, infants watched as the moving drawbridge stopped when information technology hit the opaque box (as would Be expected based connected the solidity rule). In the impossible scenario, the lift bridge appeared to go off flop through the space that was occupied by the opaque box! This impossible scenario violates the solidity principle in the same way as if you got impossible of your chair and walked through a wall, reappearing on the another side.

The results of this study discovered that infants looked longer at the impossible test event than at the possible test result. The authors suggested that the infants reacted in this way because they were surprised – the demonstration went against their expectation that two solids cannot move finished one other. The findings indicated that 5-calendar month-old infants comprehended that the box continuing to exist level when they could not see it. Consequent studies indicated that 3½- and 4½-month-old infants also attest targe permanence low-level siamese test conditions (Baillargeon, 1987). These findings are notable because they hint that infants understand object permanence much earlier than had been reported previously in research examining voluntary responses (although see more late research by Cashon & Cohen, 2000).

Voluntary responses

A woman inspects tomatoes as she puts them into a shopping bag.
Filling your hoop at the supermarket is an example of a voluntary response behavior. The choices you make are nether your control. [Image: Ikayama,, CC BY-N-SA 2.0,]

As infants and children age, researchers are increasingly able-bodied to study their understanding of the world finished their voluntary responses. Uncoerced responses are behaviors that a person completes on purpose. For model, think about how you act when you go to the grocery store: you select whether to use a shopping cart operating room a basket, you settle which sections of the put in to walk through, and you choose whether to hold fast your grocery list Oregon splurge on a address. Importantly, these behaviors are completely up to you (and are under your controller). Although they do not do a great deal of grocery shopping, infants and children too have military volunteer control complete their actions. Children, for illustrate, choose which toys to trifle with.

Researchers study the volunteer responses of infants and young children in many ways. E.g., developmental scientists survey withdraw memory in infants and young children by looking at voluntary responses. Recall memory is retentiveness of past events or episodes, such as what you did yesterday afternoon or happening your last natal day. Whereas elder children and adults are simply asked to utter about their past experiences, recall retentivity has to be designed in a different way in infants and very young children who cannot discuss the past using language. To study memory in these subjects researchers use a behavioral method acting known as elicited imitation (Lukowski &adenosine monophosphate; Milojevich, in squeeze).

In the evoked imitation procedure, infants play with toys that are fashioned in the research laboratory to exist unlike the kinds of things infants usually have at home. These toys (or event sequences, atomic number 3 researchers cry them) bum be put together in a certain way to produce an upshot that infants normally enjoy. One of these events is called Find the Surprisal. As shown in Figure 1, this toy has a door on the front end that is held in lay out by a latch – and a reduced plastic figure is hidden on the inside. During the world-class part of the contemplate, infants play with the toy in whichever way they want for a a couple of minutes. The investigator and then shows the infant how piddle the toy work by (1) flipping the latch unfashionable of the direction and (2) opening the threshold, revealing the plastic toy inside. The infant is allowed to play with the toy once more either immediately after the manifestation or after a longer delay. As the baby plays, the researcher records whether the infant finds the surprise using the same procedure that was demonstrated.

The two-step event sequence Find the Surprise. The picture on the left shows all of the toys needed to complete the event. The picture in the middle shows a hand flipping the latch out of the way so the door can be opened (step 1). The picture on the right shows a hand opening the door, ultimately revealing a plastic figurine hidden inside (step 2).
Figure 1. The ii-stone's throw event sequence Find the Surprise. The project connected the port shows every of the toys needed to complete the event. The picture in the middle shows a hand flipping the latch out of the way so the door can atomic number 4 yawning (step 1). The picture connected the honorable shows a hand opening the door, ultimately revealing a pliant figurine hidden indoors (step 2). These images are from a larger cypher initially published in Lukowski and Milojevich (2013) (reprinted with license).

Utilisation of the elicited imitation procedure has taught developmental scientists a good deal about how recall memory develops. E.g., we now know that 6-month-old infants call back one step of a 3-footprint sequence for 24 hours (Barr, Dowden, & Hayne, 1996; Collie & Hayne, 1999). Nine-calendar month-olds retrieve the individual steps that wee-wee up a 2-step event successiveness for 1 calendar month, but just 50% of infants think to do the prototypical step of the sequence before the second (Bauer, Wiebe, Woodcarver, Waters, & Nelson, 2003; Bauer, Wiebe, Waters, & Bangston, 2001; Carver & Bauer, 1999). When children are 20 months old, they call back the individual stairs and temporal arrangement of 4-abuse events for at the least 12 months – the longest delay that has been time-tested up to now (Bauer, Wenner, Dropik, & Wewerka, 2000).


Activity studies have taught United States of America important information about what infants and children have it away about the world. Research happening demeanor alone, still, cannot tell scientists how brain growing or life changes impingement (or are compact past) behaviour. For this reason, researchers may too record psychophysiological data, such as measures of pulse, hormone levels, or mastermind bodily function. These measures may be recorded by themselves Beaver State in combination with behavioral data to better understand the bidirectional relations between biology and behavior.

An infant wears an EEG cap.
Special equipment has been developed to allow researchers to immortalize the brain activity of very young and precise small research subjects. [Image: Matt Cain,, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0,]

One manner of understanding associations between brain development and activity advances is through the recording of event-related potentials, or ERPs. ERPs are canned by fitting a explore participant with a stretchy pileus that contains many small sensors or electrodes. These electrodes record tiny electric currents along the scalp of the participant in reaction to the presentation of particular stimuli, so much as a picture or a stable (for additive entropy on recording ERPs from infants and children, examine DeBoer, Scott, & Nelson, 2005). The taped responses are and so amplified thousands of multiplication using specialized equipment so that they look like crooked lines with peaks and valleys. Some of these brain responses give birth been linked to psychological phenomena. For example, researchers have known a negative peak in the registered wave form that they take up known as the N170 (Bentin, Allison, Puce, Perez, & McCarthy, 2010). The peak is called in this way because it is disinclined (hence the N) and because it occurs about 140ms to 170ms after a stimulus is presented (thence the 170). This peak is especially tender to the presentation of faces, as it is ordinarily more negative when participants are presented with photographs of faces rather than with photographs of objects. In this way, researchers are able to identify nous activity associated with real earthly concern thinking and behavior.

 The use of ERPs has provided earthshaking sixth sense arsenic to how infants and children realise the world around them. In extraordinary study (Webb, Dawson, Bernier, & Panagiotides, 2006), researchers examined face and object processing in children with autism spectrum disorders, those with developmental delays, and those who were typically developing. The children wore electrode caps and had their brain activenes recorded as they watched still photographs of faces (of their mother or of a stranger) and objects (including those that were acquainted or unfamiliar to them). The researchers examined differences in face and object processing away group by observing a component of the insight they called the prN170 (because information technology was believed to exist a precursor to the adult N170). Their results showed that the height of the prN170 peak (commonly called the amplitude) did not differ when faces or objects were bestowed to typically developing children. When considering children with autism, however, the peaks were higher when objects were presented congenator to when faces were shown. Differences were also ground in how long it took the nous to reach the counter crest (commonly called the latent period of the response). Whereas the peak was reached more speedily when typically developing children were presented with faces proportional to objects, the opposite was true for children with autism. These findings suggest that children with autism are in some mode processing faces differently than typically developing children (and, as reported in the manuscript, children with Sir Thomas More general developmental delays).

Parent-write up questionnaires

A mother and infant lie together on the grass.
Parents spend countless hours collectively with children observing their behavior. Developmental psychologists sometimes use surveys to collect information from parents that can atomic number 4 exploited to response important enquiry questions. [Look-alike: JerryLai0208,, CC Aside-NC-SA 2.0,]

Developmental science has come a long fashio in assessing various aspects of babe and child development through behaviour and psychophysiology – and newfangled advances are happening all day. In many an slipway, however, the very youngest of explore participants are still quite limited in the information they seat provide about their own growth. As such, researchers oft ask the people WHO hump infants and children go-to-meeting – commonly, their parents or guardians – to full-scale surveys or questionnaires about various aspects of their lives. These parent-report data can atomic number 4 analyzed by themselves or in compounding with any composed behavioral or psychophysiological information.

United commonly used bring up-report questionnaire is the Fry Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000). Parents complete the preschooler variation of this questionnaire away respondent questions about child strengths, behavior problems, and disabilities, among other things. The responses provided by parents are used to identify whether the child has any behavioral issues, such as quietus difficulties, aggressive behaviors, depression, or attention shortage/hyperactivity problems.

A recent study used the CBCL-Preschool questionnaire (Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000) to examine preschooler up in relation to levels of stress experienced by their mothers while they were pregnant (Ronald, Pennell, & Whitehouse, 2011). Almost 3,000 large women were recruited into the study during their gestation and were interviewed about their disagreeable life history experiences. Later, when their children were 2 years old, mothers completed the CBCL-Preschool questionnaire. The results of the study showed that higher levels of maternal stress during pregnancy (such as a divorce or moving to a new house) were joint with increased attention deficit/hyperactivity problems in children over 2 years by and by. These findings suggest that stressful events old during prenatal development may be associated with questionable child activity running years later – although additional inquiry is needed.

Interview techniques

Whereas infants and really schoolboyish children are ineffective to peach about their personal thoughts and behaviors, older children and adults are usually asked to use nomenclature to discuss their thoughts and knowledge nearly the world. In fact, these communicative cover paradigms are among the to the highest degree widely old in scientific discipline research. E.g., a researcher mightiness present a child with a sketch or short story describing a moral quandary, and the tike would be asked to give their possess thoughts and beliefs (Walrath, 2011). For example, children power react to the following:

"Mr. Kohut's married woman is sick and only one medicinal dru keister save her life. The medicine is extremely expensive and Mister. Kohut cannot afford IT. The druggist volition non lower the toll. What should Mr. Kohut do, and why?"

Children can leave written Beaver State prolix answers to these types of scenarios. They bottom as wel go their perspectives connected issues ranging from attitudes towards drug use to the experience of fear while falling asleep to their memories of getting lost in public places – the possibilities are infinite. Verbal reports such atomic number 3 interviews and surveys allow children to describe their own experience of the world.

Research Design

At once you know about some tools used to carry research with infants and junior children. Remember, research methods are the tools that are utilised to pull together information. But it is easy to confuse research methods and research design. Research design is the strategy or blueprint for decision making how to amass and analyze information. Enquiry design dictates which methods are used you said it.

Researchers typically focus on two definite types of comparisons when conducting research with infants and children. The first gear kind of comparison examines alter within individuals. As the name suggests, this type of psychoanalysis measures the shipway in which a specific person changes (Beaver State corpse the same) over time. For lesson, a biological process man of science might be interested in studying the same chemical group of infants at 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months to essay how mental lexicon and grammar change ended clock. This kind of question would be Charles Herbert Best answered using a longitudinal research intent. Another sort of comparison focuses happening changes between groups. In this typewrite of depth psychology, researchers study average changes in behavior between groups of different ages. Regressive to the language example, a man of science might study the lexicon and grammar used away 12-month-olds, 18-month-olds, and 24-calendar month-olds to examine how language abilities change with age. This kind of question would be incomparable answered using a crosswise research design.

Longitudinal research designs

Longitudinal research designs are put-upon to try out behavior in the same infants and children over time. For lesson, when considering our example of hide and go seek behaviors in preschoolers, a researcher might conduct a longitudinal take to examine whether 2-class-olds develop into better hiders o'er time. To this conclusion, a research worker power observe a group of 2-year-old children playing hide and go seek with plans to observe them once more when they are 4 years old – and again when they are 6 years old. This subject is longitudinal in nature because the researcher plans to study the same children as they age. Supported her data, the researcher might reason out that 2-year-olds develop more mature concealment abilities with mature. Remember, researchers examine games so much Eastern Samoa skin-and-try out not because they are involved in the games themselves, but because they offer clues to how children think, feel and acquit at various ages.

Chart of a longitudinal research design. Child "A" is first observed in 2004 at the age of two. Child "A' is next observed in 2006 at age four. The next observation is in 2008 when Child "A" is six. Finally, in 2010 at the age of eight Child "A" is observed again.
Example of lengthways research design

Lengthways studies Crataegus laevigata make up conducted terminated the short term (over a cross of months, arsenic in Wiebe, Lukowski, & Bauer, 2010) OR over much longer durations (years or decades, A in Lukowski et al., 2010). For these reasons, lengthways inquiry designs are optimal for studying stableness and switch time. Longitudinal research also has limitations, however. For one, lengthwise studies are expensive: they require that researchers sustain continuing contact with participants over time, and they require that scientists stimulate funding to conduct their beat extended durations (from infancy to when participants were 19 years senile in Lukowski et Camellia State., 2010). An additional risk is attrition. Attrition occurs when participants fail to complete all portions of a study. Participants may move, variety their phone numbers, or simply become fair in involved over time. Researchers should account for the possibility of detrition aside enrolling a large try into their study initially, as some participants will likely neglect out over time.

The results from lengthwise studies may also be compact by repeated assessments. Consider how well you would do on a math examination if you were given the verbatim same exam every day for a workweek. Your performance would likely improve over time non necessarily because you developed better math abilities, but because you were continuously practicing the same math problems. This phenomenon is known equally a apply effect. Practice effects occur when participants become better at a job over time because they have through with information technology over again and again; non due to natural psychological evolution. A final limitation of longitudinal research is that the results may be compact by cohort effects. Cohort personal effects occur when the results of the study are sick by the particular detail in historical fourth dimension during which participants are tested. As an example, think about how peer relationships in childhood have likely changed since Feb 2004 – the month and twelvemonth Facebook was founded. Cohort effects commode atomic number 4 knotty in longitudinal research because only one radical of participants are tested at uncomparable point eventually – different findings might be foreseen if participants of the same ages were tested at polar points in historical time.

Cross-sectional designs

Cross-sectional research designs are used to examine conduct in participants of different ages who are tested at the same point. When considering our example of shroud-and-seek behaviors in children, for example, a researcher might want to examine whether experienced children more often hide in novel locations (those in which another child in the same game has never secret before) when compared to younger children. In this case, the researcher power observe 2-, 4-, and 6-year-old children As they play the game (the various age groups represent the "cross sections"). This research is cross-surface area in nature because the researcher plans to examine the behavior of children of different ages within the same study at the same clock time. Supported on her data, the researcher might conclude that 2-year-olds more commonly hide in previously-searched locations relative to 6-year-olds.

A chart shows an example of a cross-sectional design. The year is 2004 and three separate cohorts are included in a study. Participants in Cohort "A" are two tears old. Participants in Cohort "B" are six years old. Participants in Cohort "C" are eight years old.
Example of cross-sectional research design

Cross-expanse designs are useful for many reasons. Because participants of different ages are well-tried at the synoptic point in time, data collection can carry on at a rapid pace. To boot, because participants are solely reliable at one point in time, practice effects are non an military issue – children Doctor of Osteopathy non have the chance to become better at the task complete time. Cross-sectional designs are also more cost-effective than longitudinal inquiry designs because there is no need to maintain inter-group communication with and follow-au courant participants over time.

One of the primary limitations of cross-sectional explore, nevertheless, is that the results yield information on related change, not exploitation per atomic number 34. That is, although the meditate described above can show that 6-twelvemonth-olds are more advanced in their hiding behavior than 2-year-olds, the information accustomed come with this conclusion were collected from different children. It could live, for example, that this particularised try out of 6-twelvemonth-olds just happened to comprise specially clever at hide and go seek. Per se, the researcher cannot close that 2-year-olds get into better hiders with age; she can only posit that 6-year-olds, on average, are Sir Thomas More sophisticated hiders relative to children 4 years junior.

Sequential research designs

Serial explore designs include elements of both longitudinal and cross-sectional research designs. Similar to longitudinal designs, sequential research features participants who are followed over time; similar to section designs, ordered work includes participants of different ages. This research innovation is also distinct from those that throw been discussed previously therein children of different ages are listed into a study at various points in time to examine mature-related changes, developing within the same individuals as they age, and account for the possibility of cohort personal effects.

Consider, one time once again, our illustration of hide-and-seek behaviors. In a study with a sequential design, a research worker might enrol three branch out groups of children (Groups A, B, and C). Children in Group A would be enrolled when they are 2 years antediluvian and would be tested again when they are 4 and 6 years old (alike in design to the longitudinal study described antecedently). Children in Group B would be registered when they are 4 long time old and would be tested over again when they are 6 and 8 years old. Finally, children in Group C would be enrolled when they are 6 old age old and would be tested over again when they are 8 and 10 years familiar.

A chart of a sequential design: The study begins in 2002 with Cohort "A" who are two years old. The study continues in 2004. Cohort "A" are now fours years old. They are joined in the study by Cohort "B" who are two years old. The final year of the study is 2006. Cohort "A" is six years old, Cohort "B" is four years old, and third cohort is added, Cohort "C" who are two years old.
Example of sequential research design

Studies with sequential designs are powerful because they allow for both lengthwise and cross-surface area comparisons. This research design also allows for the examination of cohort effects. For example, the researcher could examine the hide-and-try behavior of 6-year-olds in Groups A, B, and C to determine whether performance differed aside group when participants were the same age. If performance differences were saved, in that location would be testify for a cohort consequence. In the hide-and-seek lesson, this might mean that children from different time periods different in the amount they giggled operating theatre how patient they are when waiting to be found. Sequential designs are besides appealing because they allow researchers to discover a great deal about development in a relatively short amount of time. In the past good example, a four-yr research study would provide information about 8 years of developmental time past enrolling children ranging in senesce from two to x years old.

Because they let in elements of longitudinal and cross-sectional designs, sequential research has many of the Saami strengths and limitations as these other approaches. For instance, sequential work May require less metre and effort than longitudinal explore, merely more time and effort than cross-sectional explore. Although practice personal effects may be an issue if participants are asked to skilled the same tasks or assessments over time, attrition may atomic number 4 less problematic than what is ordinarily intimate in longitudinal search since participants May non throw to remain knotty in the study for such a long period of time of time.

When considering the best research design to economic consumption in their research, scientists believe about their main search interrogate and the best way to come up with an answer. A hold over of advantages and disadvantages for each of the described research designs is provided here to help you as you weigh what sorts of studies would equal best conducted using each of these different approaches.

Advantages and disadvantages of different research designs are summarized from the text
Advantages and disadvantages of different research designs

Challenges Joint with Conducting Developmental Research

The previous sections describe research tools to assess development in infancy and early puerility, atomic number 3 well every bit the ways that research designs tail end be used to track age-related changes and development over time. Before you begin conducting organic process search, still, you must as wel be aware that testing infants and children comes with its ain uncomparable set of challenges. In the net part of this module, we review some of the main issues that are encountered when conducting explore with the youngest of human participants. In particular, we focus our discussion happening honourable concerns, recruitment issues, and participant attrition.

Ethical concerns

As a student of scientific discipline scientific discipline, you may already know that Institutionalised Review Boards (IRBs) review and sanction of all research projects that are conducted at universities, hospitals, and other institutions. An IRB is typically a empanel of experts who read and evaluate proposals for enquiry. IRB members want to secure that the proposed research will equal carried out ethically and that the expected benefits of the enquiry outweigh the risks and damage for participants. What you may non know though, is that the IRB considers some groups of participants to glucinium more vulnerable Oregon at-risk than others. Whereas university students are generally not viewed Eastern Samoa endangered or at-risk, infants and young children commonly separate into this category. What makes infants and young children more weak during explore than young adults? Peerless reason infants and young children are perceived as being at increased risk is out-of-pocket to their modified cognitive capabilities, which makes them unable to state their willingness to participate in research operating theater tell researchers when they would like to drop tabu of a study. For these reasons, infants and young children require specialized accommodations as they participate in the research unconscious process.

When thinking about special accommodations in developmental enquiry, deliberate the informed consent process. If you suffer ever participated in psychological research, you whitethorn know through your personal experience that adults commonly sign an informed accept statement (a contract stating that they agree to participate in search) after learning about a study. As part of this process, participants are informed of the procedures to be utilized in the research, along with any predicted risks or benefits. Infants and young children cannot verbally argue their willingness to participate, much inferior read the residuum of potential risks and benefits. As so much, researchers are frequently required to obtain in writing au courant consent from the rear or legal guardian of the child participant, an mature who is almost always present every bit the study is conducted. In fact, children are not asked to indicate whether they would like to beryllium involved in a study at all (a process titled assent) until they are more or less seven old age old. Because infants and young children also cannot easily indicate if they would like to discontinue their participation in a study, researchers mustiness comprise sensitive to changes in the state of the participant (determining whether a child is too tired or overturn to continue) likewise as to parent desires (in some cases, parents might wish to discontinue their involvement in the research). Eastern Samoa in adult studies, researchers must always strive to protect the rights and well-being of the minor participants and their parents when conducting organic process science.


An additional challenge in biological process science is participant enlisting. Recruiting university students to participate in adult studies is typically well-situated. Many colleges and universities offer special credit for engagement in search and let locations such as bulletin boards and school newspapers where inquiry can constitute advertised. Alas, young children cannot be recruited by making announcements in Introduction to Psychology courses, by bill ads on campuses, or through online platforms such as Virago Mechanical Turk. Given these limitations, how doh researchers go all but finding infants and young children to be in their studies?

The serve to this question varies on multiple dimensions. Researchers must consider the number of participants they want and the commercial enterprise resources available to them, among other things. Location may as wel be an most-valuable consideration. Researchers who need large Numbers of infants and children may try out to make out so by obtaining infant birth records from the tell, county, or province in which they reside. Some areas make this information publicly available for free, whereas birth records must make up purchased in other areas (and in some locations birth records may be totally unavailable as a recruitment tool). If birth records are available, researchers can use the obtained data to call families by phone or mail them letters describing possible enquiry opportunities. Altogether is not lost if this recruitment scheme is unavailable, yet. Researchers can choose to pay a recruitment agency to contact and recruit families for them. Although these methods tend to be quick and effective, they fire also be quite a dearly-won. More economical enlisting options include posting advertisements and fliers in locations frequented by families, such as mommy-and-me classes, local malls, and preschools or day care centers. Researchers stool also utilize online social media outlets like Facebook, which allows users to post recruitment advertisements for a small fee. Course, each of these different recruitment techniques requires IRB blessing.


A tired looking mother closes her eyes and rubs her forehead as her baby cries.
Participating in biological process research can sometimes comprise difficult for both children and their parents. This put up contribute to a higher attrition rate than is typical in other types of research. [See: Tina Benjamin Franklin,, Ml BY 2.0,]

Some other important consideration when conducting inquiry with infants and young children is corrasion. Although corrasion is quite common in angular distance research particularly, it is also problematic in developmental science more generally, as studies with infants and young children tend to receive higher attrition rates than studies with adults. For example, shrilling attrition rates in ERP studies oftentimes result from the demands of the undertaking: infants are required to sit still and have a tight, wet chapiter placed on their heads before observance still photographs on a computer display in a dark, quiet room. In other cases, attrition Crataegus laevigata flow from to motivation (or a lack thence). Whereas adults may be motivated to take part in inquiry in order to undergo money or duplicate course credit, infants and young children are not as easily enticed. In addition, infants and young children are more likely to tire easily, become cross, and lose interest in the study procedures than are adults. For these reasons, research studies should be designed to glucinium as short-change as possible – it is equiprobable better to break up a spacious study into two-fold short sessions kind of than chock up all of the tasks into one long visit to the lab. Researchers should also allow time for breaks in their study protocols so that infants rump rest operating room have snacks as needed. Happy, comfortable participants provide the best data.


Child development is a fascinating subject – but care must be taken over to ensure that researchers use capture methods to examine infant and child behavior, use the compensate observational excogitation to answer their questions, and Be aware of the extra challenges that are part-and-parcel of developmental research. After reading this module, you should have a square understanding of these various issues and be ready to intend more critically well-nig research questions that stake you. For instance, when considering our initial example of hide-and-seek behaviors in preschoolers, you might ask questions about what other factors mightiness chip in to hiding behaviors in children. Do children with older siblings hide in locations that were antecedently searched less often than children without siblings? What other abilities are associated with the development of hiding skills? Do children who use more sophisticated concealing strategies as preschoolers execute punter connected other tests of cognitive functioning in high school? More interesting questions remain to be examined by tense generations of developmental scientists – maybe you will make one and only of the next big discoveries!

After-school Resources

Try Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6-18
Television: A 3 and a fractional minute video depicting the violation of expectation paradigm.

TV: A popular TED verbalize by Dr. Laura Schulz on the topic of how babies make decisions.

Video: A popular Teddy boy talk by Dr. Patricia Kuhl on the topic of how babies learn language.

Video: A two and a fractional minute video showing how ERP (brain activity) put up be measured with children in the laboratory.

Web: A link to Angela Lukowski's laboratory. The locate includes descriptions of the research and researchers too atomic number 3 a lean of publications.
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World Wide Web: The International Coitus on Infant Studies - a professional guild focused on infant research
Web: The Society for Research along Adolescence - a professional bon ton focused on search connected adolescence
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Web: The Smart set for Research happening Child Development - a professional society focused on shaver development research
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Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it important to conduct research along infants and children?
  2. What are some possible benefits and limitations of the various research methods discussed in this module?
  3. Why is it important to examine cohort personal effects in developmental inquiry?
  4. Think about additional challenges or unique issues that mightiness equal experienced by developmental scientists. How would they handle the challenges and issues you've addressed?
  5. Piece of work with your peers to design a subject to place whether children who were good hiders as preschoolers are more cognitively advanced in high school. What research design would you use and why? What are the advantages and limitations of the design you selected?


When minor participants are asked to argue their willingness to participate in a study. This is usually obtained from participants who are at least 7 years old, in addition to parent or guardian accept.
When a player drops out, surgery fails to complete, all parts of a study.
Two-way dealings
When i variable is promising both causal agent and consequence of another variable.
Age bracket effects
When research findings disagree for participants of the same age proven at other points in historical prison term.
Crosswise research
A research design accustomed examine behavior in participants of different ages who are tested at the same point in time.
When participants demonstrated exaggerated attention (through look or listening behavior) to a new stimulus later having been habituated to a different input.
Induced imitation
A behavioral method acting wont to examine recall memory in infants and young children.
The recording of participant wi activity using a stretchy cap with small electrodes Oregon sensors As participants engage in a particular task (commonly viewing photographs or listening to auditory stimuli).
When participants incontestible shrivelled aid (through and through looking at or hearing conduct) to repeatedly-presented stimuli.
The process of acquiring permission from adults for themselves and their children to participate in explore.
Institutional Critical review Boards (IRBs)
A commission that reviews and approves research procedures involving human participants and ostrich-like subjects to ensure that the inquiry is conducted in accordance with federal, institutional, and ethical guidelines.
Interview techniques
A research method in which participants are asked to describe happening their experiences using lyric, normally past attractive in conversation with a investigator (participants whitethorn also Be asked to commemorate their responses in writing).
Involuntary surgery obligatory responses
Behaviors in which individuals engage that do not require much conscious view or sweat.
Longitudinal enquiry
A enquiry design wont to examine behavior in the unvaried participants over short (months) or long (decades) periods of time.
Motor control
The use of rational to direct muscles and limbs to do a desired action.
Object permanence
The discernment that objects remain to exist eventide when they cannot be directly observed (e.g., that a pen continues to exist even when IT is hidden nether a piece of paper).
Practice effect
When participants get break at a task over time by "practicing" IT through with repeated assessments instead of cod to actual organic process modify (practice effects buns Be especially problematic in longitudinal and sequential research designs).
Psychophysiological responses
Recording of biological measures (such as heart rate and hormone levels) and neurological responses (such atomic number 3 brain activity) that may be joint with evident behaviors.
Recall computer memory
The process of remembering distinct episodes or events from the chivalric, including encoding, integration and storage, and recovery.
Research design
The strategy (or "blueprint") for deciding how to due and psychoanalyze enquiry info.
Inquiry methods
The particularised tools and techniques used by researchers to collect information.
Sequential enquiry designs
A research contrive that includes elements of cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs. Similar to cross-surface area designs, sequential research designs admit participants of different ages inside one and only study; similar to longitudinal designs, participants of different ages are followed over time.
Solidity precept
The theme that ii hearty masses should not be healthy to move out through and through one another.
Verbal report paradigms
Research methods that call for participants to report on their experiences, thoughts, feelings, etc., using language.
A short story that presents a situation that participants are asked to respond to.
Misdemeanour of prospect paradigm
A research method in which infants are expected to respond in a particular manner because one of two conditions violates or goes against what they should expect based on their familiar experiences (e.g., it violates our expectations that Trickery E. Prairie wolf runs off a drop-off but does not immediately fall to the ground below).
Voluntary responses
Behaviors that a person has control all over and completes by choice.


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How to cite this Noba module using APA Fashio

Lukowski, A. & Milojevich, H. (2022). Research methods in developmental psychological science. In R. Biswas-Diener &A; E. Diener (Eds), Noba standard series: Psychological science. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from